Let Our Maryland Physical Therapy License Defense Lawyers Help You
The Law Firm of J.W. Stafford, LLC defends healthcare professionals, including physical therapists, from accusations against their professional licenses. Our Maryland physical therapy license defense lawyers protect physical therapy licenses across the state. Physical therapists may be licensed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Licensure is mandatory in each state in which the physical therapist practices. Licenses must be renewed on a regular basis. Maryland, like a majority of states across the nation, requires physical therapists to take continuing education courses in order to renew their licenses. Physical therapists must practice within the scope of physical therapy practice defined in Maryland’s licensure laws. These laws are known as the Maryland Practice Act (MPA). The entire MPA, including any accompanying rules and regulations, encompasses the law that governs physical therapists practicing within the State of Maryland.
Maryland Physical Therapy License Requirements
Prior to working in the State of Maryland, a physical therapist must be licensed by the field’s governing body the Maryland Board of Physical Therapy Examiners. The Board does not have the authority to exempt a physical therapist who is licensed in another state from having a license in Maryland. A physical therapist may become licensed in Maryland by examination, endorsement, or transfer of exam scores.
If a Maryland physical therapist is reported to be allegedly in violation of the state’s Physical Therapy Practice Act (PTA), the Board will open up an investigation into the matter. Violations may include unlicensed persons who aid and abet unsafe and illegal practice of physical therapy. They may also include licensed physical therapists or physical therapist assistants who are practicing outside of the scope of applicable law.
While a physical therapist may not have an MD or a DO, these healthcare providers are held to a high medical standard of care. Consequently, they can have Board complaints made against them and also may be sued for medical malpractice.
While physical therapists are licensed to practice in the State of Maryland within their specialty as healthcare providers, it is common for physical therapists to work in cooperation with treating physicians or other primary healthcare providers. While a physical therapist should be able to determine what the appropriate course of treatment is for a client, he or she also must rely on the medical assessments made by these licensed physicians. Sometimes, the physical therapist has no way of knowing whether or not an improper medical assessment was made that resulted in an error in the physical therapy prescribed.
Defending Your License and Protecting Your Livelihood
If you have received a letter from the Board notifying you of allegations against your Maryland physical therapy license, or you have been put on notice that you are being investigated, know that this is a serious matter. Accordingly, you should retain an experienced Maryland professional license defense attorney to ensure the protection of your reputation and your livelihood. It is important to know what you should and should not do if you are facing this situation.
If someone brings a Board complaint against you in Maryland you must defend your actions before the Board. All complaints filed with the Board must be investigated, although not all of them result in disciplinary action against the accused physical therapist.
Disciplinary action taken against a Maryland physical therapist can have dire consequences. The purpose of the Board is to protect the public. Consequently, complaints that result in disciplinary action may range from allegations related to medical treatment and care to a therapist’s professional conduct violating the rules. Consequences of an investigation may range from a warning issued by the Board to mandatory continuing education courses to your physical therapy license being suspended or revoked.
One major difference between a malpractice lawsuit and a Board complaint is that anyone can file a complaint with the Board – a neighbor, colleague, friend, client, or even your employer.
There are several behaviors that will likely result in disciplinary action by the Board against a Maryland physical therapist including:
- Substance abuse
- Sexual misconduct
- Patient abuse
- Unethical behavior
- Unlicensed practice
- Bad record keeping or documentation
- Fraud and/or misrepresentation
- Medication violations
- Criminal convictions
- Unlicensed practice and
- Boundary violations
There are also several things that you should not do if you are being investigated by the Board or if you are facing a hearing. Of course, the right Maryland professional license defense attorney can handle all matters regarding the fate of your physical therapy license and will provide the appropriate legal recommendation. Do not try to navigate this complicated and critical time by yourself. Hire an experienced professional license defense attorney. Your livelihood is at stake when it comes to a Board investigation, you want this process to go as smoothly as possible.
Contact Our Maryland Physical Therapy License Defense Lawyers Today
Our experienced Maryland physical therapy license defense lawyers at The Law Firm of J.W. Stafford, LLC represent Maryland physical therapists and physical therapy assistants in the defense of their professional licenses. We may be able to have your case dismissed by the Board due to lack of probable cause. Alternatively, if the matter is not dismissed by the Board, we may be able to obtain a favorable result for you in a formal administrative hearing. During this hearing, you have the opportunity to have a skilled professional license defense attorney prove your case and defend your Maryland physical therapy license.
Do not let the years of study and thousands of dollars you have poured into your physical therapy career be left to chance. Let our experienced attorneys fight to protect your rights under the law. We are available to assist and represent you in all types of regulatory matters before the Board including suspension or revocation of license, probationary periods, monetary fines, letters of reprimand, consent orders, and settlement agreements. Call us at 410-514-6099 or contact us online today to schedule an initial consultation with one of our lawyers to review your current licensing issue. We can guide you every step of the way during this difficult and daunting time in your professional career.