Physicians and other medical professionals in Maryland who are facing disciplinary action need to be extremely careful to protect themselves. Loss of medical licensure is...
Category: Physician Licenses
Licensed professionals are no different than anyone else when it comes to suffering from substance abuse problems. In fact, professionals such as doctors and lawyers...
Most, if not all, licensed professionals provide services under the assumption that they will conform to the standards of their profession. For example, physicians must...
Common Issues that Can Result in Ethical Complaints for Licensed Mental Health Professionals
February 28, 2023
Mental health professionals serve a very important role in our society, helping us manage some of the most difficult afflictions that people can face. In...
Common Issues that Can Cause Your License Application to be Denied
December 30, 2022
For accountants, lawyers, doctors, and other professionals, your license is your ticket to pursuing your career. However, getting your license requires an arduous application process...
Any kind of disciplinary action taken against you by your licensing board can get very serious very quickly. Unfortunately, many people don’t take these issues...
Medical Malpractice: Can You Be Held Liable for Failing to Diagnose?
September 30, 2022
Patients rely on their doctors to correctly diagnose their illnesses so that they can receive the appropriate medical treatment. As many doctors know, however, correctly...
Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals bear a great deal of responsibility. After all, they are responsible for the health of their patients. Despite years...
Doctors, lawyers, chiropractors, and other licensed professionals provide services that require a great deal of trust from their clients and patients. As a result, there...
Common Complaints Leading to Disciplinary Action for Chiropractors and Massage Therapists
November 19, 2021
Whether it’s the Maryland Board of Chiropractic Examiners or the Board of Massage Therapy Examiners, they take complaints against practitioners very seriously, and you should...